Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport Master Plan Update


Welcome to the Anchorage Master Plan Online Public Meeting #3!

The purpose of this Online Public meeting is to share the materials that were presented at the February 6, 2024 in-person public meeting. This online platform is open from February 6 to February 20, 2024. Your feedback is important to us! You may visit the last station of this meeting or visit the website at ancmpu.com. You will also find documents presented at the in-person meeting linked below. 

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This site is best viewed on your desktop or laptop computer at 100% view. You may click the tabs in the left navigation to visit each poster station. You may click on each poster to enlarge it. If you prefer to experience this Online Meeting in text format only, visit the Text Only page of this meeting.

Navigation Menu Acronyms Key

MT/LT – Mid-Term/Long-Term

MP – Master Plan

NT – Near-Term

PA – Preliminary Alternatives

SF – Support Facilities


Welcome Poster


Welcome to the Anchorage Master Plan Online Public Meeting.

The ANC Master Plan Update (MPU) public meeting #3 will share preliminary alternatives based off of aviation forecasts and facility requirements developed in fall 2023.

The ANC MPU will also solicit feedback for alternatives refinement.


You may visit the last station of this meeting or visit the website at ancmpu.com.


You will also find documents presented at the in-person meeting materials section below.

*** NOTE***

The NorthLink Project is a separate project working independently of the ANC MPU. For NorthLink questions, please contact the NorthLink Project team at 907-931-6350. Email them at: [email protected] or visit www.northlinkaviation.com.

Master Plan Process Overview & Schedule

Master Plan Process Overview & Schedule

The Master Plan Process Overview graphic starts with Study Design, which is completed. Then moves to “We are here” and includes the vision, goals, and objectives; forecast of aviation demand; and inventory of existing conditions. This group then leads to the FAA, then to facility requirements, then to alternatives development and evaluation, and then to Finalize Plan, which is split into Capital Plan and Airport Layout Plan. Next is the FAA again, followed by the Master Plan being adopted. The final stage reads, “Prior to capital project implementation, environmental analysis and additional public involvement will be required under federal law. FAA (NEPA) [National Environmental Policy Act]”

The study took place in winter 2022. Project Foundation took place in May 2023, Visioning is taking place April 2023 to February 2024, and Implementation Planning occurs October 2023 to September 2024. Final Documentation will be prepared in the second half of 2024, and Public Involvement opportunities started in November 2022 and extend through the duration of the project. The MPU is projected to take about 28 months to complete, from September 2022 to December 2024. To learn more about the Master Plan Process visit the supplemental information page.


The Master Plan Update is anticipated to take roughly 28 months to complete, with a final completion date of December 2024. The schedule may change. The best way to stay up to date is to sign up for email updates.

Overall public engagement has been positive. A recap on past meetings include:

Public Meeting #1
- 73 attendees
- 170 online open house visits
- 7 written comments
- 73 mailing list additions

Public Meeting #2
- 29 attendees
- 44 online open house visits
- 4 written comments
- 29 mailing list additions

Public Meeting #3

We are here now. Meeting information will be updated after the online open house closes.

Public Meeting #4
To be determined between April and October 2024.

Goals and Objectives Poster

Goals and Objectives

The Goals and Objectives will be used to evaluate alternatives for meeting the primary purpose of the Master Plan Update: determining the best course of action for Airport development to meet future aviation demand.

The following goals were identified at the project’s outset in a staff and Airport leadership workshop and are strategically evolved from the prior Master Plan. Project goals are broad statements about what the Airport hopes to achieve through the Master Plan Update process.


Goal: Maintain or enhance the safe operation of the Airport


Goal: Maintain or enhance the efficient operation of the Airport


Goal: Minimize the impact of airport development through environmental awareness


Goal: Maintain the long-term fiscal sustainability of the Airport


Goal: Facilitate long-term Airport development through strategic land management planning


Goal: Engage stakeholders through open communication

Master Plan Update promote effective dialogue between the Airport and stakeholders.


Goal: Minimize impact of operational interruptions and disruptions


The objectives provide a framework for evaluating the Master Plan Update process and help determine if the project goals are met.

To view the full Goals and Objectives, scan the QR code with your smartphone or visit the supplemental information page.

Aviation Forecast Summary Poster

Aviation Forecast Summary

The Aviation Forecast was approved by the FAA in August 2023. Anticipated rate of growth for operations is 1.8% per year.

  1. More takeoffs and landings: ANC is a busy airport with about 226,000 operations per year. The forecast anticipates 100,000 additional operations in 20 years.
  2. More passengers: ANC is expected to grow from 2.6 million enplanements in 2022 to 4.1 million enplanements in 2042.
  3. ANC will continue to be a critical cargo stop: ANC has an essential role in the Asia-America air cargo market that is unlikely to change in the future.
  4. General aviation will grow slowly: ANC is expected to see modest general aviation growth in line with other U.S. airports.

To view the full Aviation Forecast, scan the QR code with your smartphone or visit the supplemental information page.

Aviation Forecast poster

Aviation Forecast

  • Cargo: Anticipated rate of growth for cargo is 2.8% per year over a 20-year planning period. (ANC was the world’s 3rd busiest cargo airport in 2022 at 3.6 million tonnes.)
  • Passenger Activity: Anticipated rate of growth for passengers is 2.3% per year over the 20-year planning period.
  • General Aviation: Anticipated rate of growth for general aviation is 1.0% per year over the 20-year planning period.
  • Operations: Anticipated rate of growth for operations is 1.8% per year over the 20-year planning period.
  • Aviation Forecast: To view the full Aviation Forecast, scan the QR code with your smartphone or visit supplemental information page.

Planning Activity Levels (PALS) poster

Planning Activity Levels (PALS)

Three planning activity levels (PALs) have been identified, each representing milestones of growth in operations, passengers, cargo, and general aviation. Each PAL triggers required facility upgrades to accommodate growth and capacity. Capacity upgrades to facilities are based on PAL demand levels – not based on a date on a calendar.

Two graphs depict growth scenarios: In the forecast growth scenario, growth occurs according to the forecast, and the example facility upgrade is triggered by the PAL 2 demand. Based on the demonstrated growth rate in this scenario, we know that PAL 2 occurs at the forecast time. However, growth may occur faster or slower than forecast – this is why we use PALs to trigger facility capacity upgrades, not a calendar. For example, in the slower growth scenario, growth occurs more slowly than forecast and the example facility, so PAL 2 demand occurs later than forecast. Therefore, the example facility that is triggered by PAL 2 would not be required until a later time than originally forecast.

Facility Requirements

To view the full Facility Requirements, scan the QR code with your smartphone or visit supplemental information page.

Preliminary Alternative Analysis Process Poster

Preliminary Alternative Analysis Process

Alternatives are prepared to meet Facility Requirements and are then evaluated using an iterative process based on input from ANC staff, stakeholders, and the public.

  1. Inventory & Aviation Forecast
  2. Facility Requirements
  3. Concepts
  4. Refining
  5. Preliminary Alternatives
  6. Decision
  7. Final Alternative

Airside Facility Requirements poster

Airside Facility Requirements

Preliminary Alternatives were prepared with the following:

Runway Requirements

  • Existing three-runway airfield is sufficient for now through PAL 2.
  • Additional capacity is required by PAL 3.

Taxiway Requirements

  • Airfield becomes congested during peak periods – key congestion areas include the Terminal and South Airpark.
  • Lack of dual parallel taxiways results in extra runway crossings and airfield delay.

Air Cargo Aircraft Parking Requirements

  • Existing/PAL 1: Additional aircraft parking required to accommodate air cargo tech stop demand (NorthLink development anticipated to help accommodate this demand).
  • PAL 3: Terminal area becomes congested with air cargo aircraft operations.

Airside: Preliminary Taxiway Alternatives poster

Airside: Preliminary Runway Alternatives

  1. Group VI Parallel North-South Taxiway: Enables north-south taxiway flow near terminal area to/from North Airpark (UPS, FedEx, and others).
  1. Group III Parallel East-West Taxiway: Enables east-west taxiway flow in South Airpark.

Airside: Preliminary Taxiway Alternatives Poster

Airside: Preliminary Taxiway Alternatives

  1. Group VI Parallel North-South Taxiway: Enables north-south taxiway flow near terminal area to/from North Airpark (UPS, FedEx, and others).
  1. Group III Parallel East-West Taxiway: Enables east-west taxiway flow in South Airpark.

Airside: Preliminary Air Cargo Alternatives poster

Airside: Preliminary Cargo Alternatives

Dem Demand for additional cargo aircraft parking will largely be met by a tenant development and other planned cargo development.

Gradual relocation of Airport-managed cargo plane parking positions to the West Airpark will help alleviate airfield congestion.

Key features include:

  • Existing “P” Spots cargo parking (3 existing + 1 approved)
  • Existing “R” Spots cargo parking (11)
  • Proposed tenant cargo parking in North Airpark
  • Proposed tenant cargo parking in South Airpark
  • Future West Airpark development areas
  • Area reserved for potential future airfield development
  • Existing airport managed cargo parking includes
  • 14 R and P spots (1 and 2)
  • Tenant managed cargo parking is planned in
  • North and South Airparks (3 and 4)
  • Phased replacement of existing P and R spots to West Airpark areas (5) to reduce congestion in the terminal area and provide more area for snow storage and potential centralized deicing.

Terminal Facility Requirements Summary poster

Terminal Facility Requirements Summary

Preliminary Alternatives were prepared with the following:

Terminal Gate Requirements Summary

  • PAL 1: 1-3 additional gates required
  • PAL 3: 8 additional gates required

Terminal Building Requirements Summary

  • Existing/PAL 1: Additional security checkpoint lanes and additional outbound baggage make-up space.
  • PAL 3: Additional airline ticketing space and outbound baggage screening space.

Initial Terminal Alternatives poster

Initial Terminal Alternatives

Generally, there are three directions for expanding the terminal – north, west, and east. Expanding the terminal to the east was dismissed from further consideration because of the impacts to the intrastate carriers and the space constraints posed by Taxiway K. The two other expansion options were retained for further refinement and consideration and include revival of the North Terminal with a new connection to the South Terminal C Concourse or a new D Concourse extending to the west from the existing South Terminal C Concourse.

Preliminary Terminal Alternative: Near Term B Concourse “Bump Out” poster

Preliminary Terminal Alternative: Near Term B Concourse “Bump Out”

The Preliminary Terminal Alternative: Near-Term B Concourse “Bump Out” modifies the current B Concourse to add one new gate and improve two existing gates, B-10 and B-11, and provide space inside the terminal to expand two areas that are at capacity by PAL 1: the security screening checkpoint and the outbound baggage make-up area.

Preliminary Terminal Alternatives: Near-Term B Concourse “Bump Out” Poster

Preliminary Terminal Alternatives: Near-Term B Concourse “Bump Out”

Preliminary Terminal Alternative: Near-Term B Concourse “Bump Out” includes:

  1. Additional baggage-processing capacity
  2. Relocated and improved concessions
  3. Increased circulation to reduce congestion
  4. Larger security checkpoint
  5. One new jet gate
  6. Two improved jet gates with larger holdrooms and new passenger boarding bridges

Preliminary Terminal Alternatives: Mid/Long-Term Option 1: D Concourse poster

Preliminary Terminal Alternatives: Mid/Long-Term Option 1: D Concourse

Mid/Long-Term Option 1: D Concourse includes:

  • 8 additional gates located on a new D Concourse that would extend toward the west from the existing C Concourse.
  • Expanded and improved terminal amenities such as concessions and hold rooms, as well as a potential new international arrivals facility in the South Terminal.
  • This concept would require relocation of cargo aircraft parking positions R2, R3, and R4 currently located west of the C Concourse.

Preliminary Landside Alternative: Option 2 – New Loop Road poster

Preliminary Terminal Alternatives: Mid/Long Term Option 2: E Concourse/North Terminal

Mid/Long-Term Option 2: E Concourse/North Terminal includes:

  • Reconfiguration and improvement of the existing 8 North Terminal gates and potential for 3 additional jet gates on a new connector between the existing C Concourse and North Terminal.
  • Enhanced utilization of the existing North Terminal and full connection to the existing South Terminal.
  • Enables maximum flexibility and accommodates additional growth in airline service at ANC.
  • Gates grand total: 37
    • 11 Regional
      • 11 A/L Concourse
    • 23 ADG III
      • 8 B Concourse
      • 15 C/D Concourse
    • 3 ADG V
      • 1 B Concourse
      • 2 C/D Concourse

Landside Facility Requirements Summary poster

Landside Facility Requirements Summary

Preliminary Alternatives were prepared with the following:

Vehicle Parking Requirements

  • Existing/PAL 1: 600 additional vehicle parking spaces required to accommodate demand for travelers.
  • PAL 3: 2,000 additional vehicle parking spaces required to accommodate demand for travelers and employees.

Terminal Roadway Requirements

  • PAL 3: Terminal loop roadway congestion occurs during peak periods

Preliminary Landside Alternative: Option 2 – Existing Loop Road poster

Preliminary Landside Alternative: Option 2 – Existing Loop Road

Existing Loop Road Alternative key features include:

  • New garage at surface Lot F adjacent to the existing South Terminal parking garage:
    • 3 levels/1,200 spaces
  • New garage at current location of the Airport Traffic Control Tower (FAA is in the design phase for a new tower at ANC and will demolish the existing tower in the next 2 to 4 years):
    • 3 levels/1,250 spaces
  • Expansion of the Park, Ride, and Fly (PR&F) Lot
  • Landside area adjacent to the North Terminal would be available for redevelopment:
    • Lot B and Lot C impacted: 285 spaces removed

Preliminary Landside Alternative: Option 2 – New Loop Road poster

Preliminary Landside Alternative: Option 2 – New Loop Road

New Loop Road Alternative key features include:

  • Postmark Drive realignment
  • Terminal Loop Road realignment, which may impact aircraft parking areas A and B and would require accommodation
  • Vehicle parking same as Option 1

Support Facilities Facility Requirement Summary

Support Facilities Facility Requirement Summary

Preliminary Alternatives were prepared with the following:

General Aviation (GA) Requirements

  • Existing/PAL 1: 3 acres of additional GA development required to accommodate demand.
  • PAL 3: 10 acres of additional GA development required to accommodate demand.

Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting (ARFF)/Police Facility Requirements

  • Existing/PAL 1: Facility is 30 years old – expansion and modernization required to accommodate existing safety and security functions.

Snow Storage Requirements

  • Ongoing: Ample and efficiently located snow storage area as new development is constructed.

Support Facilities: Preliminary South Airpark Alternative poster

Support Facilities: Preliminary South Airpark Alternative

Key features of this alternative include:

  • New Group III Taxiway parallel to Taxiway Z to enable efficient access for general aviation tenants to South Airpark GA facilities.
  • Additional general aviation development areas.

Support Facilities: Preliminary Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting (ARFF) / Police Station poster

Support Facilities: Preliminary Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting (ARFF) / Police Station

This alternative proposes to renovate and expand the ARFF/Police Station 1 to include:

  • Consolidated dispatch functions
  • Improved and modernized facilities for airport safety and security
  • Accommodations for 24-hour facility staffing


Goals and Objectives 7: Resilience

Please share your thoughts with us, specifically on the Goals & Objectives. Your input helps inform future work, so we want to hear from you.

Ways to Comment:

  • Fill out a comment sheet
  • Email us at [email protected]
  • Fill out our interactive comment form at ancmpu.com
  • Call the project hotline at 907-268-3106 and leave a voicemail

Meeting Materials

Each of the documents below is a downloadable PDF file. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the documents. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you may download a free version from https://get.adobe.com/reader.


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