Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport Master Plan Update
Welcome to the text Only accessible Virtual Meeting for the May 31, 2023, Anchorage International Airport Public Meeting.
The purpose of this virtual open house is to share the materials that were presented at the May 31, 2023, in-person open house. This online platform is open from May 31 to June 13, 2023. Your feedback is important to us! Please leave a comment on our website at ancmpu.com.
Welcome to the Anchorage Master Plan Virtual Open House. The purpose of this virtual open house is to share the materials that were presented at the May 31, 2023, in-person open house. This online platform is open from May 31 to June 13, 2023. Your feedback is important to us! Visit the Contact Us section of this meeting to leave your feedback.
What is an airport master plan?
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recommends that all airports have up-to-date master plans. A master plan serves as a blueprint for an airport’s long-term development and is typically updated every 5 to 7 years. The Airport last completed a Master Plan Update from 2012 to 2014. Since then, many changes have occurred that merit a new Master Plan Update. Of note, the Alaska and world economies have changed due to the rise of e-commerce, which has impacted cargo traffic. In Alaska, a prolonged recession impacted the local and state economies. The COVID-19 pandemic drastically altered travel patterns for several years, but they appear to be recovering to near normal passenger levels. Tourism in Alaska continues to grow.
Master Plan Process Overview
- Study Design
We review previous studies to develop a well-defined project approach that follows FAA guidance.
- Vision, Goals & Objectives
Goals and objectives for the Master Plan Update are defined.
- Aviation Forecast
Using feedback from the major airline stakeholders, develop an Aviation Forecast of projections for passengers, cargo, and operations at ANC Airport. The forecast will include insight on future activity and will be presented to the public after the data is accepted by FAA.
- Inventory
Update any changes that have occurred since the previous master plan update. Airport staff, tenants, and stakeholders help identify changes in the existing conditions.
- Facility Requirements
Facility requirements are primarily determined by technical analysis of existing facility data relative to forecast demand. For this Master Plan Update, facility requirements will rely upon demand-level trigger points to establish a need for additional throughput capacity. A trigger point is the point at which throughput exceeds an established facility capacity, degrading facility performance or level of service and triggering a need for an improved or expanded facility. This stands in contrast to using a calendar to establish a timeline for facility improvements.
- Alternatives Development & Evaluation
Prepare conceptual development plans for meeting the established facility requirements. Typically, several solutions or alternatives are conceived to meet future facility needs.
The alternatives are screened using evaluation criteria to identify those that best meet the Airport’s needs. Multiple alternatives are then refined and combined to more fully address airport needs and evaluation criteria and move forward.
- Final Master Plan Report
The Facilities Implementation Plan provides recommendations on how to implement the Master Plan Update and the preferred alternative. This often includes a development schedule, cost estimates, phasing plan, identification of interrelated projects, and other special considerations. To-scale Airport drawings that make up the ALP will be updated, depicting proposed developments that make up the selected alternative.
Master Plan Update conditions, findings, and development plans will be documented in a draft and a final report. The report will include a summary of public involvement activities and outcomes. The report will also include a financial feasibility analysis for identified Airport improvements. The final report will be published and made available to the public.
Master Plan Schedule
The Master Plan Update is anticipated to take roughly 24 months to complete, with a final completion date of December 2024. The schedule may change. The best way to stay up to date is to sign up for email updates.
Public Involvement Plan
The Public Involvement Plan identifies the steps in the Master Plan Update process and explains how public input can shape the plan. At each key decision point, the Master Plan Update project team and the Airport will solicit public input prior to the Airport making a decision.
Public Meetings will be held at each of these key points in the decision-making process:
- Goals & Objectives/Inventory
- Forecast
- Facility Requirements & Draft Alternatives
- Final Report
Advisory Committees
The Airport is convening two advisory committees comprised of airline professionals and community leaders. The purpose of the Airline Advisory Committee and the Working Group is to provide information and guidance on specific aspects of Master Plan Update development and to inform the decision-making process.
Visit us online to sign up for email updates, review materials, leave a comment, or reach the team.
Airports Council International-North America (ACI-NA) defines airport sustainability as “a holistic approach to managing an airport so as to ensure the integrity of the economic vitality, operational efficiency, natural resource conservation and social impact (EONS) of the airport.” ACI-NA includes operational efficiency as a key component of sustainability for airports.
‘E’ in EONS is addressed through the fiscal sustainability and operational efficiency goals.
‘O’ in EONS is addressed through the safety, efficiency, and land management goals.
‘N’ in EONS is addressed through the environmental sustainability, resilience, and efficiency goals.
‘S’ in EONS is addressed through the communication, and environmental sustainability goals.
Sustainability themes are incorporated into the Master Plan Update process and are foundational to the Master Plan Update purpose: to prepare a responsible development plan to meet future aviation demand.
Goals and Objectives Draft
The goals and objectives (G&O) will be used to evaluate alternative actions for meeting the primary purpose of the Master Plan Update: evaluating the best course of action for Airport development to meet future aviation demand.
Safety: Maintain or enhance the safe operation of the Airport
Efficiency: Maintain or enhance the efficient operation of the Airport
Environmental Sustainability: Minimize the impact of airport development through environmental awareness
Fiscal Sustainability: Maintain the long-term fiscal sustainability of the Airport
Land Management: Facilitate long-term Airport development through strategic land management planning
Communication: Engage stakeholders through open communication
Resilience: Minimize impact of operational interruptions and disruptions
The following draft goals were identified at the project’s outset in a staff and airport leadership workshop and are modestly evolved from the prior Master Plan. Project goals are broad statements about what the Airport hopes to achieve through the Master Plan Update process.
G&O 1. Safety
Goal: Maintain or enhance the safe operation of the Airport
- Plan airfield facilities including taxiways and runways that meet established design and operational standards and best industry practices
- Plan to provide safe, secure access to the Air Operations Area
- Plan terminal and landside facilities that meet current safety and security standards and consider the unique needs of Alaska’s operating environment and travelers
The Master Plan Update will prioritize and consider safety in every aspect of facility planning. The Airport operates safely today, and the Master Plan Update will seek to ensure that the Airport’s safe operation is maintained or enhanced with any recommended development.
G&O 2. Efficiency
Goal: Maintain or enhance the efficient operation of the Airport
- Consider ANC’s role in the Alaska International Airport System (AIAS)
- Use existing infrastructure to meet future demand when possible
- Accommodate aircraft operational demand and aircraft fleet mix changes
- Accommodate passenger demand
- Support convenient travel between Anchorage and Alaska’s other communities
- Modernize aging and analog systems
- Plan passenger facilities that can flexibly accommodate high summer peak travel demand
- Consider airport roadway capacity, design, and signage for both:
- travelers accessing the terminal
- tenants and commercial transportation companies
- Airport parking should meet demand and be easy to findfor both:
- short-term meeters/greeters
- employees at the terminal and at tenant sites
- Provide convenient access to public transportation (city buses, charter buses, taxis, and ride services)
The purpose of an airport master plan, as prescribed by FAA, is to plan future development to ensure that the airport can meet future aviation demand. Future demand may include growth in airplane operations or passengers and can also result in changes in airplane operations and passenger behavior. The master plan must consider how these changes will impact the airport and identify development that will enable the airport to continue operating with minimal delays or inconveniences for airport users.
G&O 3. Environmental Awareness
Goal: Minimize the impact of airport development through environmental awareness
- Document the airport’s environmental setting
- Seek opportunities to minimize unavoidable environmental impacts
- Consider and minimize noise levels in and around the Airport
- Document conformance with EPA’s Effluent Guidelines
- Document the presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and follow best practices for planned development
- Document opportunities to support energy-efficient equipment, such as electric ground service equipment
- Evaluate growing demand for electric, zero-emission vehicles
- Evaluate infrastructure to provide vehicle charging facilities
The Master Plan Update outlines the Airport’s role and responsibilities regarding addressing federal, state, and local environmental regulations. An environmental inventory, as well as high-level analysis of potential environmental impacts of the Airport’s current and future operation and facilities, are undertaken to address this goal.
G&O 4. Fiscal Sustainability
Goal: Maintain the long-term fiscal sustainability of the Airport
- Maximize business through evaluation of revenue generation opportunities
- Consider the cost of planned projects against potential savings (e.g., benefit-cost analysis)
- Plan for land use that enhances lease revenue and supports Airport operations
- Identify the feasibility of growth in cargo transfer operations to strengthen ANC’s necessity in trans-Pacific air cargo
- Plan facilities that accommodate growing e-commerce and just-in-time shipping by air
Fiscal sustainability promotes planning of Airport improvements that allow the Airport to meet future demand affordably. The Master Plan Update includes assessment of the Airport’s financial capacity and will prioritize planned projects based on need and funding opportunity.
G&O 5. Land Mangement
Goal: Facilitate long-term Airport development through strategic land management planning
- Document existing land uses and lease durations
- Prioritize land uses that promote aviation activity to realize maximum revenue generation (e.g., a tenant that leases land and generates aviation activity also provides landing fee revenue)
- Communicate the Airport’s development vision
- Provide clear rationale for lease negotiation and decision-making
- Promote the highest and best use of property with sensitivity to the Airport’s proximity to residential areas
- Consider land use compatibility and development recommendations proposed in the West Anchorage Development Plan and ANC 2040 Land Use Plan
Strategic land management is a process to evaluate the Airport’s existing land and assess the highest and best use for limited land resources. In some cases, the result identifies land assets for targeted development. In other cases, the result identifies land assets for preservation to enable the Airport’s future improvement.
G&O 6. Communication
Goal: Engage stakeholders through open communication
- Build stakeholder trust through regular, open communication and collaboration
- Provide opportunities for stakeholders to engage
- Document how stakeholder feedback is considered in decision-making
- Document the Airport’s relationship with FAA and the State of Alaska and how the relationship affects the Airport’s decision-making authority
The Airport is a vital transportation and economic asset for the state of Alaska. Its continued operation is essential. The Master Plan Update must document and communicate the Airport’s importance and why its continued improvement is necessary. Likewise, the Master Plan Update is an opportunity for a wide range of stakeholders to participate in the planning process to communicate how they are impacted, both positively and negatively, by the Airport and its operation. This goal helps the Master Plan Update promote effective dialogue between the Airport and stakeholders.
G&O 7. Resiliency
Goal: Minimize impact of operational interruptions and disruptions
- Evaluate facilities relative to future climate scenarios (e.g., runway length, increased temperatures, etc.)
- Plan facilities to withstand potential disruptions and to maintain operational readiness (e.g., provide sufficient snow storage and consider future changes to weather)
- Plan facilities with airport user needs in mind (e.g., consider how people may be protected from weather in the event of a terminal evacuation)
- Consider geopolitical impacts including airspace closures and changes in trade
Airports can be impacted by both acute and chronic threats such as severe weather, volcanic eruptions, security breaches, sea level rise, and aging infrastructure. The Master Plan should consider how existing facilities can be enhanced to enable recovery that minimizes disruptions and allows the facility to reach appropriate capacities within desired timelines. The Plan should also consider how new facilities can be planned to address future changes and potential challenges to ensure its overall resilience in the long term.
Please share your thoughts with us, specifically on the Goals & Objectives. These are foundational for future work, so it is essential to hear from you.
Ways to Comment:
- Fill out a comment sheet
- Email us at [email protected]
- Fill out our comment form online at www.ancmpu.com
- Call the project hotline at 907-268-3106 and leave a voicemail